CodeIgniter Pagination Demo:

This is a small example demo application based on codeigniter pagination tutorial. You can checkout how the pagination would work on your real time application. Currently few example data are added and are paginated. However, you can add as many data you want using the codeigniter contact demo page. Also, please refer to the complete code below the example to see how this is working behind the scene.

View The Codeigniter Pagination Tutorial

Contact Messages Listings:

Id Name Email Subject Message Sent
667 Anniesot Our experts have recently reviewed your social existence and it's ... I am contacting you as seeing your profile on Instagram and for that reason I... Jun 15, 2022
668 Stevenlbep 15 Ideas To Generate Income Online [Absolutely Completely free] All of us wish to achieve success via the internet and work while doing... Jun 15, 2022
669 uusemtloqm YfqRPHWycMOighX 5xO37b swzmcdnynkkc,... Jul 16, 2022

The Controller Code:

    public function pagination_demo($page=1){
            $pagingConfig   = $this->paginationlib->initPagination("/codeigniter/pagination-demo",$this->messagemodel->get_count());
            $this->data["pagination_helper"]   = $this->pagination;
            $this->data["messages"] = $this->messagemodel->get_by_range((($page-1) * $pagingConfig['per_page']),$pagingConfig['per_page']);
            return $this->view();             
        catch (Exception $err)
            log_message("error", $err->getMessage());
            return show_error($err->getMessage());

The Library Code:

     *Initialize the pagination rules for cities page 
     * @return Pagination
class Paginationlib {
    //put your code here
    function __construct() {
         $this->ci =& get_instance();

    public function initPagination($base_url,$total_rows){
        $config['per_page']          = 1;
        $config['uri_segment']       = 3;
        $config['base_url']          = base_url().$base_url;
        $config['total_rows']        = $total_rows;
        $config['use_page_numbers']  = TRUE;
        $config['first_tag_open'] = $config['last_tag_open']= $config['next_tag_open']= $config['prev_tag_open'] = $config['num_tag_open'] = '
  • '; $config['first_tag_close'] = $config['last_tag_close']= $config['next_tag_close']= $config['prev_tag_close'] = $config['num_tag_close'] = '
  • '; $config['cur_tag_open'] = "
  • "; $config['cur_tag_close'] = "
  • "; $this->ci->pagination->initialize($config); return $config; } }

    The View Code:

        <form action="{$base_url}admin/message/delete" method="POST">
        <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" class="table">
                    <th> <input type="checkbox" value=""/> </th>
                    <th> Id </th>
                    <th> Name </th>
                    <th> Email </th>
                    <th> Subject </th>
                    <th> Message </th>
                    <th> Sent </th>
                {foreach from=$messages item=message name="outer"}
                        <td> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="{$message->getId()}"/> </td>
                        <td> {$message->getId()} </td>
                        <td> {$message->getName()} </td>
                        <td> {$message->getEmail()} </td>
                        <td> {$message->getSubject()} </td>
                        <td> {$message->getMessage()|truncate:80} </td>
                        <td> {$message->getTime()|date_format} </td>
        <br />
        <div class="clear pagination">