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Here you will able to explore the live hosted functionality examples of
my programming tutorials which are specifically related to web development!

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You will be able to see the bundle running live and also read the documentaion of respective sections how they are working.

You will be able to see a live functional page made with codeigniter, where you will be able to upload file and see how this codeigniter file upload works.

You will be able to see a live functional mini web application, where you will be able to upload an image and perform various actions like crop, resize, rotate, watermark on the images.

On this codeigniter pagination demo, there are list of dummy data are shown in 5 entries per page basis. It also utilizes the codeigniter's pagination customization to include twitter bootstrap styles.

On this HTML5 audio demo, there is a player with controls and one simple audio file in two different format to help you checkout how it would work in your realtime application.

In this demo, an small jquery based application is being shown, with which you can perform start/stop/pause/forward/backward/volume control etc operations easily with great flexibility.

In this demo, you will see the samll PHP Video streaming class of the tutorial into action by streaming a mp4 sample music video file. Check it out and try of your own!

In this demo, you will be able to experience the web speech demo live! You will be able to play texts in robotic voice and also recognize your voice as texts as well.